Guardian RIFT PvP Guild - Currently recruiting all levels - Dayblind

If you're here, chances are you've run warfronts with us. We run back to back warfronts every day, and we do them well. We also run daily dungeons with fair rolls to ensure that all of our member's gear stays up to date.

Before you apply, please read our rules to ensure that you are a good fit for our guild and that you are literate.


Why So Defiant? Admin.



-We are an adult guild. We’re fun, but unless you’re doing it for ironic effect, don’t behave like a kid. If you’re considering doing something that you aren’t sure we would approve of, ask. Unless you’re considering inappropriately touching a child, we won’t judge.


-Be friendly, socialize. There will always be statics, but there shouldn’t be cliques. No one should EVER feel uncomfortable speaking in guild chat. If anyone logs on and says “Good Morning” or “Hi” and you’re not busy, respond!


-Admin isn’t going to deal with your drama. If two people who don’t like each other want to join, it’s first come, first serve.


-Trash talking is fun, but keep it intelligent. Keep the profanity to a minimum. The less you use it, the more weight it holds. Also, racial slurs and derogatory comments about anyone’s sexual orientation will be met with a swift banhammer.


-No botting, no RMTing, no exceptions.


-No l33tspk, no tlking leik dis. Typos are fine, but talk like an adult. Don’t talk to us like you’re a thirteen year old girl texting your bff Tiffany. Liek, omigosh.



-Guild first. If you’re recruiting for a dungeon, ask in /g before you go recruiting pugs. Obviously exceptions can be made for helping friends in other guilds. We just want everyone to know that they always have the option to bring guild members. Not only that, but it helps us all gear up.


-Don’t hate. If something is going wrong in a guild dungeon run, don’t point the finger and say “The healer is shitty” “The tank has crappy gear” “Fucking cc!!!” etc. Being critical helps no one. Make suggestions. Be patient. If you can’t do either, then ask to be replaced and leave.


Warfronts and Statics

-Team first. You know who the hero is In BG? The one with the fang. In Codex? The one who caps the control point. In Whitefall? The one who captures the sourcestones. You know who else is a hero? The cleric/bard/chloro healing him. The dps that are assisting on him, killing the targets, or CCing them. Do you know who the bad guys are? Not the Defiant. They’re the idiots that are running off, mindlessly engaging in battles in order to inflate their dps meter. Anyone who does this is a drain on the team. Which brings us to our next point.


-Assist on the objective. You should ALWAYS be assisting the person with the objective. The only exceptions would be when the team instructs you otherwise.


-Statics require consistency. You are by no means required to be in a static, but if you are, set days/times will be agreed upon. If you are continuously missing regularly scheduled static runs then you can’t expect your team to not replace you. We all have lives. If you feel you can no longer maintain your position, or if you plan on being absent for a while, let someone know so you can be replaced, even if it’s just temporary.


-Statics will not wait for you. If a run is scheduled at a certain time, be there. Unless they're expecting you to be late, then you can't expect them to wait around for an indefinite amount of time. Don't get mad if they replace you for a run.


-Ventrilo is a must for warfronts. We’re not asking you to sit in vent all day, but during a warfront you should be able to verbally communicate with your team. In the time it takes you to type “I need backup at the Codex” or “I need someone to cc xxlegolasxx” the other team could have the advantage, or you could be dead.